Tutor Application

Role Information

Apply to tutor now for classes beginning in September 2023. Training beginning in summer.

Teach 3-4 hours per week on Zoom. Teach a range of classes of your choice, from primary school up to 6th year Higher Level Maths. Classes run from 5:30pm to 8:30pm, Monday to Sunday.

We only want tutors who are full of energy and enthusiasm – make your application stand out with energy!

Only 1 in 4 applications are successful. I can’t emphsize it enough, make your application burst out with enthusiasm and energy for teaching. Previous grinds teaching experience and a H1 in Maths are essential.

Ex-Tutor Reviews:

"Joining the BTM team was an easy decision. The training they provided was second to none. I improved my teaching no end!"
| Scott Talbot Headshot scaled 1 | Breakthrough Maths
Scott Talbot
2 Years Tutoring
"The leadership team gave me so much 1-1 feedback. They really pushed me on to improve my teaching"
| Image scaled 1 | Breakthrough Maths
Karen Gilooly
1 Year Tutoring